Our teeth are an incredible part of our body that have a range of great qualities you may not have known about! Our blog is here to give you 5 facts you probably didn’t know about your teeth. To find out more, keep on reading!
Much like fingerprints, everyone’s tooth prints are totally different and unique to each individual person. Due to a variation in genetics and environmental factors, even identical twins can have unique tooth prints. While they aren’t commonly used to identify people, in certain contexts they can even prove more useful than fingerprints!
Your teeth are made from enamel, which is the hardest part of the human body. Enamel is the outermost layer of your tooth, made up from minerals, and fluoride. Keeping your enamel healthy is important for preventing cavities and reducing the risk of sensitivity. Regular brushing and flossing keeps your enamel healthy, strong and protected from decay or damage.
Despite the common conception that teeth are bones, they are technically not considered bones. While they are strong and white, just like our bones, and they also store a lot of calcium, teeth and bones are not technically the same. The main differences to take note of are that your teeth are made up from enamel, pulp and dentin. Bones, however, are made from protein, collagen, minerals and calcium!
Our mouths are constantly producing saliva to keep our teeth and mouths lubricated so that we can eat and drink without any problems. But, we bet you didn’t know that the average person will produce enough saliva to fill two entire swimming pools! Saliva is important for helping with digestion and keeping your teeth protected from bacteria.
Believe it or not, only two thirds of your teeth are actually visible, the other third is actually hidden underneath your gums. This is why they are kind of like icebergs, as there is a hidden part of your teeth that you can’t see directly. This is the area where the nerves and blood vessels are. Taking care of the visible parts of your teeth is extremely important for this reason as damage to the visible parts can damage the area underneath the gums.
Looking after your teeth is essential to keeping a healthy mouth. If you're worried about your mouth health or need to schedule your next dental check up, then Acorn Dental Health could be the perfect dental clinic for you.
To find out more about our dental services, feel free to check out our website. Alternatively, you can contact us today to speak to our team directly.